Thursday, 1 August 2013

Alphabet Introdcution to Me

Ima be copying this guy's idea: :P
So I'm going to steal my friend's blog post idea, and do this 'alphabet introduction to me' idea, where I go through the alphabet and give a piece of information about me relating to the letter. Here goes:

A - Ahhh I'm stuck on the first one! Give me a minute...Oh right, I have two, 1.) I love animals 2.) I'm an artsy person; I prefer photography and painting above anything else, and my favourite type of art I love is Pre-Raphelite art, particularly work by Dante Gabriel Rossetti and William Morris.
B - One of my favourite plants is the Bleeding Heart, and I have one (it's the first plant that hasn't died on me yet...and I've probably jinxed it now huh)
C - Clive Barker wrote one of my absolute favourite books of all time, 'Thief of Always', and you should all read it!
I love coffee.
My family and I want to move to Canada some day, and my sister Mina and I would love to go on a roadtrip round there too.
D - I think David Attenborough is just one of the coolest guys on Earth (I know that doesn't make me sound cool at all but he is :P)
E - I love my English Toy Terrier Skip! :D
My element is Earth (only the best element, go Toph from Avatar!! :P) 
F - I am going on a Forensics college course in September :D
G - I would love to learn guitar (acoustic, not the squeals that come from an electric guitar)
H - I have four for H: I love The Host book and film.
I love the Hunger Games, both the books and the film/s.
My favourite word is Hubris, meaning when a man possesses god-like arrogance.
I use to have a fear of heights, but thanks to the employability course I've been on, when I went to head for heights and tried the 'free fall challenge' (three times!) I sort of got over that :P
I - I'm listening to the whole album of Imagine Dragons as I read this, I've only just discovered them and love all their songs so far, this is the link on YouTube to what I'm listening to;
J - One of my other favourite books is Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte.
K -I can't think of much for K except that my teacher for my Forensics course is called Kenny, which I thought was kind of strange.
L - My favourite Pokemon is Larvitar.
M - I  think the weirdest thing I've ever been called is 'Mary Poppins', when I was feeding pigeons as they hovered and flew by my hand (it was AWESOME), and a woman was walking past and said I was like Mary Poppins!
N - I love nature and taking pictures of it.
O - I am currently undergoing Orthodontic treatment, but my dentist there has told me they can come out whenever now, and hopefully I'll have them gone, and retainers in, before I get to college!
P - At the moment my favourite colour is purple (I have purple converse) :P
Q - I'm supposed to be going quad biking soon - should be fun :)
R - I love rats, I use to have two a few years ago; one called Leah and the other called Alice, and they were dumbo rats.
S - I love learning about the solar system, it was always my favourite subject at school in science.
T - My favourite singer is Taylor Swift.
U - Ummm...I like to draw unicorns?
V - I think I'm a bit of a Trekkie, because the only word I can think of for V is Vulcan...I love the film (can't wait for the blu-ray coming out with Benedict Cumberbatch!) and Star Trek: Next Generation.
W - W is for Winchester because I love Supernatural!
X - I love X-men first class, Michael Fassbender who plays Magneto in it is awesome, along with Jennifer Lawrence and James McAvoy and pretty much everyone else. My favourite person/power in the film was Darwin/his power, and it took me ages to realize it's Laurent from Twilight who plays him!
Y - I hate Yoda (sorry, couldn't think of anything else).
Z - Z is for zip because I just bought an awesome bracelet which is actually a blue zip, which I got from the emporium in Devizes!

Hope you don't mind me stealing this idea Nathan, but you haven't answered back yet and I'm impatient to put this up since it took me so long :P


  1. oh sorry for the late reply but yeah you can haha, plus love the road trip idea lol

  2. Thanks :P And yeah I reaaaaaaaaaaaalllly wanna go!!
