I know I haven't posted in a while, I've just been a little busy/unable to access the internet. These past couple of days I've been "dog-sitting" at an amazingly awesome, huge house (with a tennis court and tiger-skin rugs I might add!) so I haven't been on my blog during that time because I haven't had my laptop over there. On the plus side, I discovered Scrabble which I'm addicted to now :P
I also went on a First Aid Level 2 course on Wednesday 14th, which all-in-all wasn't that bad. Apparently my results should get back to me in 4-6 weeks. At least I now know how to save someone who is choking, how to put someone in the recovery position, how to open someone's airways and how to resuscitate someone who isn't breathing. Oh yeah, and I can also bandage someone's leg/arm, elbow/knee and head!
My sister, Alana, had her 16th birthday on Monday, and we had an amazing Indian. Me, Mina and Blake brought her a cutesy, Taylor Swift styled white knee-length dress (sorry Alana, I know you hate the word 'cute'!) and a red/brown leather jacket from Select.
Other than the dog sitting, the first aid course and Alana's birthday I haven't done much of anything. I don't think I got the Wilko job, but hey, there's plenty more to apply for. Anyway, in the meantime, I'll leave you with a list of films I really want to watch, and some songs off of the amazing 'Warm Bodies' since I'm watching it right now:
Films to watch; Songs to listen to:
Hunger Games 2 Midnight city - M83
After Earth Shell Suite - Chad Valley
Silver Linings Yamaha - Delta Spirit
Dark Skies
Friday, 16 August 2013
Sunday, 11 August 2013
Photo(s) of the Day
This is a whippet called Lily who's been staying round for over a week now, and she's going home tomorrow morning so I thought I'd put a picture up of her today :)
Thursday, 8 August 2013
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
The Interview...
The interview went quite well actually, I thought so anyway. Which somehow makes it more nerve-wracking while I wait for either a reply by the end of this week, or no reply at all, because if I don't get it I'll be even more annoyed because I thought I did well, and I don't want my idea of a high standard interview to be the interviewers image of a bad or average one! Does that make sense? Grrr. Anyway, the people interviewing me were really nice and easy-going which made it so much easier for me, and I didn't have any awkward pauses within my answers...
On the upside I went to Savernake with Skip, Mum, Mina, Blake, Ash and Nathan today/this evening - we had chip shop chips, did a short walk but went back when it got dark, and did a real quick visit to Avebury at night. I might be putting up some pictures on this post when I find good ones to share, but in the meantime I'm exhausted and going to bed. See ya :)
On the upside I went to Savernake with Skip, Mum, Mina, Blake, Ash and Nathan today/this evening - we had chip shop chips, did a short walk but went back when it got dark, and did a real quick visit to Avebury at night. I might be putting up some pictures on this post when I find good ones to share, but in the meantime I'm exhausted and going to bed. See ya :)
Eeekk! Interview in just under three hours from now! Trying to work myself up into really wanting to go :/ :P
Anyway, I'm reading a book by someone called Jeff Carlson, called Interrupt, which is really good so far. I've only read about 60 pages out of 400 so I can't give you much detail at all, but I know it's about natural disasters happening over the world whilst America are on the verge of war with China, and it's in the view of three separate characters. I'll write a better review when I've finished reading it, but so far it's 4/5 stars :)
Anyway, I'm reading a book by someone called Jeff Carlson, called Interrupt, which is really good so far. I've only read about 60 pages out of 400 so I can't give you much detail at all, but I know it's about natural disasters happening over the world whilst America are on the verge of war with China, and it's in the view of three separate characters. I'll write a better review when I've finished reading it, but so far it's 4/5 stars :)
Monday, 5 August 2013
Back to Blogging
Haha!! I've now got pretty much everyone back to blogging! My friend Laura has opened up a new blog which is definitely going to be worth reading, so this is her link: http://slightlyawkwardlaura.blogspot.co.uk
Good luck Laura, read it everyone else, and enjoy! :D
Good luck Laura, read it everyone else, and enjoy! :D
Photo of the Day
These photos were taken today whilst dog walking - this one is of a cute beetle I found, love his big feet!
I wanted to add another one so here:
I've stuck with the feet theme again, but a bit more of a creepy photo this time (or that's what I was going for anyway!) It's a bit blurred around the shoes but still, I like it...
Interview and artsy stuff
So I still love The Host film, and was bored like five minutes ago so did a basic plan of what I want to do for an art project based on the film/book just now, here is what I want to do using paints in a bigger scale (I used a ballpoint pen and nail varnish for this plan piece :P) so maybe expect a cool piece of the Host art from me in the future:
Well, that's about it. Nothing at all other than the interview call has happened to me these past couple of days...I've even started drawing faces on oranges, as Nathan will know :P
Oh yeah, and the line on the art piece here 'Welcome to the new age', is from the song Radioactive by Imagine Dragons, as the song was in the film a lot and it fits (it'll probably make sense if you've seen it). And the background is of space and other planets as Wanda, the main character, had traveled and lived on quite a few other planets.
Saturday, 3 August 2013
This week I've been looking up new music, which I don't usually do, and I've bought the Imagine Dragons album, and want to show you a few of my favourite songs from them, and a song by Bastille who I now love which I listened to ages ago but never knew what it was called:
^This one is called Demons by Imagine Dragons, and the one below is Radioactive by them (which I've mentioned in other recent blog posts). The video after that is called Pompeii by Bastille.
Thursday, 1 August 2013
Alphabet Introdcution to Me
Ima be copying this guy's idea: http://daysinthelifeofnjg.blogspot.co.uk/2013/07/life-in-letters.html?showComment=1375382960653#c464619748495236611 :P
So I'm going to steal my friend's blog post idea, and do this 'alphabet introduction to me' idea, where I go through the alphabet and give a piece of information about me relating to the letter. Here goes:
A - Ahhh I'm stuck on the first one! Give me a minute...Oh right, I have two, 1.) I love animals 2.) I'm an artsy person; I prefer photography and painting above anything else, and my favourite type of art I love is Pre-Raphelite art, particularly work by Dante Gabriel Rossetti and William Morris.
B - One of my favourite plants is the Bleeding Heart, and I have one (it's the first plant that hasn't died on me yet...and I've probably jinxed it now huh)
C - Clive Barker wrote one of my absolute favourite books of all time, 'Thief of Always', and you should all read it!
I love coffee.
My family and I want to move to Canada some day, and my sister Mina and I would love to go on a roadtrip round there too.
D - I think David Attenborough is just one of the coolest guys on Earth (I know that doesn't make me sound cool at all but he is :P)
E - I love my English Toy Terrier Skip! :D
My element is Earth (only the best element, go Toph from Avatar!! :P)
F - I am going on a Forensics college course in September :D
G - I would love to learn guitar (acoustic, not the squeals that come from an electric guitar)
H - I have four for H: I love The Host book and film.
I love the Hunger Games, both the books and the film/s.
My favourite word is Hubris, meaning when a man possesses god-like arrogance.
I use to have a fear of heights, but thanks to the employability course I've been on, when I went to head for heights and tried the 'free fall challenge' (three times!) I sort of got over that :P
I - I'm listening to the whole album of Imagine Dragons as I read this, I've only just discovered them and love all their songs so far, this is the link on YouTube to what I'm listening to; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EsSYkE3CCw
J - One of my other favourite books is Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte.
K -I can't think of much for K except that my teacher for my Forensics course is called Kenny, which I thought was kind of strange.
L - My favourite Pokemon is Larvitar.
M - I think the weirdest thing I've ever been called is 'Mary Poppins', when I was feeding pigeons as they hovered and flew by my hand (it was AWESOME), and a woman was walking past and said I was like Mary Poppins!
N - I love nature and taking pictures of it.
O - I am currently undergoing Orthodontic treatment, but my dentist there has told me they can come out whenever now, and hopefully I'll have them gone, and retainers in, before I get to college!
P - At the moment my favourite colour is purple (I have purple converse) :P
Q - I'm supposed to be going quad biking soon - should be fun :)
R - I love rats, I use to have two a few years ago; one called Leah and the other called Alice, and they were dumbo rats.
S - I love learning about the solar system, it was always my favourite subject at school in science.
T - My favourite singer is Taylor Swift.
U - Ummm...I like to draw unicorns?
V - I think I'm a bit of a Trekkie, because the only word I can think of for V is Vulcan...I love the film (can't wait for the blu-ray coming out with Benedict Cumberbatch!) and Star Trek: Next Generation.
W - W is for Winchester because I love Supernatural!
X - I love X-men first class, Michael Fassbender who plays Magneto in it is awesome, along with Jennifer Lawrence and James McAvoy and pretty much everyone else. My favourite person/power in the film was Darwin/his power, and it took me ages to realize it's Laurent from Twilight who plays him!
Y - I hate Yoda (sorry, couldn't think of anything else).
Z - Z is for zip because I just bought an awesome bracelet which is actually a blue zip, which I got from the emporium in Devizes!
Hope you don't mind me stealing this idea Nathan, but you haven't answered back yet and I'm impatient to put this up since it took me so long :P
So I'm going to steal my friend's blog post idea, and do this 'alphabet introduction to me' idea, where I go through the alphabet and give a piece of information about me relating to the letter. Here goes:
A - Ahhh I'm stuck on the first one! Give me a minute...Oh right, I have two, 1.) I love animals 2.) I'm an artsy person; I prefer photography and painting above anything else, and my favourite type of art I love is Pre-Raphelite art, particularly work by Dante Gabriel Rossetti and William Morris.
B - One of my favourite plants is the Bleeding Heart, and I have one (it's the first plant that hasn't died on me yet...and I've probably jinxed it now huh)
C - Clive Barker wrote one of my absolute favourite books of all time, 'Thief of Always', and you should all read it!
I love coffee.
My family and I want to move to Canada some day, and my sister Mina and I would love to go on a roadtrip round there too.
D - I think David Attenborough is just one of the coolest guys on Earth (I know that doesn't make me sound cool at all but he is :P)
E - I love my English Toy Terrier Skip! :D
My element is Earth (only the best element, go Toph from Avatar!! :P)
F - I am going on a Forensics college course in September :D
G - I would love to learn guitar (acoustic, not the squeals that come from an electric guitar)
H - I have four for H: I love The Host book and film.
I love the Hunger Games, both the books and the film/s.
My favourite word is Hubris, meaning when a man possesses god-like arrogance.
I use to have a fear of heights, but thanks to the employability course I've been on, when I went to head for heights and tried the 'free fall challenge' (three times!) I sort of got over that :P
I - I'm listening to the whole album of Imagine Dragons as I read this, I've only just discovered them and love all their songs so far, this is the link on YouTube to what I'm listening to; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EsSYkE3CCw
J - One of my other favourite books is Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte.
K -I can't think of much for K except that my teacher for my Forensics course is called Kenny, which I thought was kind of strange.
L - My favourite Pokemon is Larvitar.
M - I think the weirdest thing I've ever been called is 'Mary Poppins', when I was feeding pigeons as they hovered and flew by my hand (it was AWESOME), and a woman was walking past and said I was like Mary Poppins!
N - I love nature and taking pictures of it.
O - I am currently undergoing Orthodontic treatment, but my dentist there has told me they can come out whenever now, and hopefully I'll have them gone, and retainers in, before I get to college!
P - At the moment my favourite colour is purple (I have purple converse) :P
Q - I'm supposed to be going quad biking soon - should be fun :)
R - I love rats, I use to have two a few years ago; one called Leah and the other called Alice, and they were dumbo rats.
S - I love learning about the solar system, it was always my favourite subject at school in science.
T - My favourite singer is Taylor Swift.
U - Ummm...I like to draw unicorns?
V - I think I'm a bit of a Trekkie, because the only word I can think of for V is Vulcan...I love the film (can't wait for the blu-ray coming out with Benedict Cumberbatch!) and Star Trek: Next Generation.
W - W is for Winchester because I love Supernatural!
X - I love X-men first class, Michael Fassbender who plays Magneto in it is awesome, along with Jennifer Lawrence and James McAvoy and pretty much everyone else. My favourite person/power in the film was Darwin/his power, and it took me ages to realize it's Laurent from Twilight who plays him!
Y - I hate Yoda (sorry, couldn't think of anything else).
Z - Z is for zip because I just bought an awesome bracelet which is actually a blue zip, which I got from the emporium in Devizes!
Hope you don't mind me stealing this idea Nathan, but you haven't answered back yet and I'm impatient to put this up since it took me so long :P
Photo of the Day
So I went to Lacock Abbey today with my Grandma and my sister Mina, and took quite a few pictures, but since I've still got to edit and go through them, I'm only going to show you my favourite so far, which isn't really of the architecture, but of my feet. I took this picture somewhere inside (it was a big place, ok :P) as the ground was really worn away and the texture was cool.
The Host
Hey there, it's been quite a few days since my last post, mostly 'cause I've been busy but also I can't be bothered to keep up with these 'Photo a Day' posts everyday, and I'm not going to treat it like a chore that needs to be done, since that's how I began to neglect my last blog - I'll put up posts when I feel like it, I'm not going to be rushing posts just to put something up, I'll be putting up posts I feel are good enough quality to my liking whenever really.
Back to the title of this post, The Host. LOVED IT! Words cannot describe how perfect they made this film in relation to the book. I don't think I've been this excited to watch a film since watching the first Hunger Games. It really was as if they had brought my imagination to life, and so far there hasn't been a single flaw within the film I've noticed. The cast were great (Jake Abel, who played Ian, was amazing - hence why he is a main character in the Supernatural series as Sam and Dean's brother :P - and Saoirse Ronan's acting was incredible as always), the scenery and setting was exactly how I imagined it and how it should be, and the futuristic style was pretty cool. Must watch, but also a must read.
That's it for my review. Sorry, but anything else I say about it would give away a good deal of the storyline. 5 star rating from me. Love the song 'Radioactive' by Imagine Dragons too, bought it the day after watching The Host.

That's it for my review. Sorry, but anything else I say about it would give away a good deal of the storyline. 5 star rating from me. Love the song 'Radioactive' by Imagine Dragons too, bought it the day after watching The Host.
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