So we did this yesterday at Swindon College in Forensics class:
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
Saturday, 26 October 2013
Photos of the Day
Some pictures I took yesterday, the first one is of a mushroom, the next pic is of some flowers in mum's hair and the last one of a flower :P
Thursday, 24 October 2013
Friday, 4 October 2013
Cute Toad Picture
Love this little guy I almost stepped on in the garden today, decided to put him with my two frog toys in my bedroom :P Love frogs! XD let him in the garden once I had taken this, but I couldn't get a better one without continuously blinding him :P
Thursday, 3 October 2013
Photo(s) a Day
Oh my god! It's only been two days of blogtober and I already forgot to post yesterday. Geez this'll go well :P
So obviously not much has happened since Tuesday, I've been at college for the majority of it.
I've been taking pictures of leaves recently what with it being autumn and the leaves covering my garden, so I thought I'd show you a few of those and put this blog post as one of the 'photo/s of the day' posts too.
Grrr. Just tried to put three of the leaf pictures up onto this post and only this one ^ will post, so if you want to check out the rest you can see my Flickr photostream on this link.
So obviously not much has happened since Tuesday, I've been at college for the majority of it.
I've been taking pictures of leaves recently what with it being autumn and the leaves covering my garden, so I thought I'd show you a few of those and put this blog post as one of the 'photo/s of the day' posts too.
Tuesday, 1 October 2013
Ok, so if you haven't already noticed I'm going to attempt the blogtober for the first time this month, thanks to Nathan :P It'll will just be normal posts, except I have to try real hard to keep the blog posts coming daily. Maybe I might do something amazing at the end. Maybe not, who knows. Meh :P
Sooooo I have a final and definite date for having my braces out, on the 18th of November next time I go, although now I've probably jinxed it...
Oh, and Hedley <3 have made a new song which my mum and I have heard over the Ocean 98.5 radio based in Victoria, BC, Canada. The song is called 'Anything' and it's just came up on YouTube. LISTEN TO IT! They may not be on Itunes or any of the UK radios but they definitely should! Here's the video that I'll leave you with, thanks for reading, see ya :)
Sooooo I have a final and definite date for having my braces out, on the 18th of November next time I go, although now I've probably jinxed it...
Oh, and Hedley <3 have made a new song which my mum and I have heard over the Ocean 98.5 radio based in Victoria, BC, Canada. The song is called 'Anything' and it's just came up on YouTube. LISTEN TO IT! They may not be on Itunes or any of the UK radios but they definitely should! Here's the video that I'll leave you with, thanks for reading, see ya :)
Thursday, 26 September 2013
I have no clue what to write on this post. I mean, I really want to write just for the sake of it, to put another post onto my newest blog, but I guess I'm all out of ideas so I'm just going to type out whatever pops into my mind...
So college has actually been pretty cool, the Forensics is pretty easy actually, and though there's lots of work there's plenty of time to complete it in, compared to the suck-ish Devizes sixth form I use to go to. Same with Psychology too. Oh, and I'm a "student representative" for the Psychology class now...
Oh yeah, and about a week or so ago, I found an awesome dog breed called the Japanese Terrier, which is basically a naked Skip! :P Look at it!
Talking about Skip, I found probably the only baby picture taken of him (sadly), but even though it's pretty much completely blurred over Skip you can tell just how cute he was as a puppy! I was about six or seven back then.
And I found this lovely picture of young Kane way back then as well.

Soooo hope you enjoy this totally random post...yeah.

Oh yeah, and about a week or so ago, I found an awesome dog breed called the Japanese Terrier, which is basically a naked Skip! :P Look at it!
Talking about Skip, I found probably the only baby picture taken of him (sadly), but even though it's pretty much completely blurred over Skip you can tell just how cute he was as a puppy! I was about six or seven back then.
And I found this lovely picture of young Kane way back then as well.

Soooo hope you enjoy this totally random post...yeah.
Wednesday, 25 September 2013
Photo of the day
So I haven't done these 'Photo of the day' things in ages...either way I thought I'd show this picture of happy Skip here, he may not play fetch with sticks or tennis balls all that often, but throw an apple for him and he goes mad!
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
The Phone Call
So my friend Ash made a film for his college coursework recently, which you should all definitely watch -
Enjoy :P
Enjoy :P
Wednesday, 18 September 2013
I realized my favourite songs and artists have changed recently, so here's a new list of just a few of my fav. artists, bands and songs:
- Imagine Dragons
- Bastille
- Naughty Boy ft Bastille - No ones here to sleep
- Ben Howard
- Passenger - Let her go
- Maroon 5 - Love Somebody
- M83
- Hedley
- Play with fire - Andrew Allen
- The 1975 (especially their songs 'Heart Out' and 'Chocolate')
- Kye Sones Swedish House Mafia 'Save the World' (FYI, I didn't even like this guys voice, but this one song is amazing)
- Ella Henderson's Audition
- Lucy Spraggan's 'Tea and Toast' song
Squirrels and Acorns
It's been ages since I lasted posted! Hey again, just as a word of warning this is probably going to be a really messy post that's just a catch up I guess.
I started college on the 2nd September, where I decided to go for Forensics and Psychology. So far I love it, apart from Mondays where I wake up at 6.00am, catch the bus at 7:40am, then stay there until 7.00pm and get home at 8.00pm! Everyone I know complains about having to work and go to school on Mondays, school kids get to go home at 3! Try a Monday where I'm technically working for 14 hours!!! I have college Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday now.
I just have to show you a picture of Skip's new collar! With my mum's dog walking business Pack on Track, we walk the sweetest pair of dogs ever called Nora and Mabel - Nora being a Bedlington x whippet and Mabel being a deerhound x greyhound <3 Anyways, the owners are really nice people, and the woman makes her own collars for Mabel and Nora. Since she loves Skip and I've taken a few pictures of Mabel for her recently, she surprised me and my mum the other day by telling us she just decided to make Skip a collar! It has squirrels on, and a little acorn charm! Skip loved it just as much as I did! Here's some pictures:

I started college on the 2nd September, where I decided to go for Forensics and Psychology. So far I love it, apart from Mondays where I wake up at 6.00am, catch the bus at 7:40am, then stay there until 7.00pm and get home at 8.00pm! Everyone I know complains about having to work and go to school on Mondays, school kids get to go home at 3! Try a Monday where I'm technically working for 14 hours!!! I have college Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday now.
I just have to show you a picture of Skip's new collar! With my mum's dog walking business Pack on Track, we walk the sweetest pair of dogs ever called Nora and Mabel - Nora being a Bedlington x whippet and Mabel being a deerhound x greyhound <3 Anyways, the owners are really nice people, and the woman makes her own collars for Mabel and Nora. Since she loves Skip and I've taken a few pictures of Mabel for her recently, she surprised me and my mum the other day by telling us she just decided to make Skip a collar! It has squirrels on, and a little acorn charm! Skip loved it just as much as I did! Here's some pictures:
Friday, 16 August 2013
Catch up
I know I haven't posted in a while, I've just been a little busy/unable to access the internet. These past couple of days I've been "dog-sitting" at an amazingly awesome, huge house (with a tennis court and tiger-skin rugs I might add!) so I haven't been on my blog during that time because I haven't had my laptop over there. On the plus side, I discovered Scrabble which I'm addicted to now :P
I also went on a First Aid Level 2 course on Wednesday 14th, which all-in-all wasn't that bad. Apparently my results should get back to me in 4-6 weeks. At least I now know how to save someone who is choking, how to put someone in the recovery position, how to open someone's airways and how to resuscitate someone who isn't breathing. Oh yeah, and I can also bandage someone's leg/arm, elbow/knee and head!
My sister, Alana, had her 16th birthday on Monday, and we had an amazing Indian. Me, Mina and Blake brought her a cutesy, Taylor Swift styled white knee-length dress (sorry Alana, I know you hate the word 'cute'!) and a red/brown leather jacket from Select.
Other than the dog sitting, the first aid course and Alana's birthday I haven't done much of anything. I don't think I got the Wilko job, but hey, there's plenty more to apply for. Anyway, in the meantime, I'll leave you with a list of films I really want to watch, and some songs off of the amazing 'Warm Bodies' since I'm watching it right now:
Films to watch; Songs to listen to:
Hunger Games 2 Midnight city - M83
After Earth Shell Suite - Chad Valley
Silver Linings Yamaha - Delta Spirit
Dark Skies
I also went on a First Aid Level 2 course on Wednesday 14th, which all-in-all wasn't that bad. Apparently my results should get back to me in 4-6 weeks. At least I now know how to save someone who is choking, how to put someone in the recovery position, how to open someone's airways and how to resuscitate someone who isn't breathing. Oh yeah, and I can also bandage someone's leg/arm, elbow/knee and head!
My sister, Alana, had her 16th birthday on Monday, and we had an amazing Indian. Me, Mina and Blake brought her a cutesy, Taylor Swift styled white knee-length dress (sorry Alana, I know you hate the word 'cute'!) and a red/brown leather jacket from Select.
Other than the dog sitting, the first aid course and Alana's birthday I haven't done much of anything. I don't think I got the Wilko job, but hey, there's plenty more to apply for. Anyway, in the meantime, I'll leave you with a list of films I really want to watch, and some songs off of the amazing 'Warm Bodies' since I'm watching it right now:
Films to watch; Songs to listen to:
Hunger Games 2 Midnight city - M83
After Earth Shell Suite - Chad Valley
Silver Linings Yamaha - Delta Spirit
Dark Skies
Sunday, 11 August 2013
Photo(s) of the Day
This is a whippet called Lily who's been staying round for over a week now, and she's going home tomorrow morning so I thought I'd put a picture up of her today :)
Thursday, 8 August 2013
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
The Interview...
The interview went quite well actually, I thought so anyway. Which somehow makes it more nerve-wracking while I wait for either a reply by the end of this week, or no reply at all, because if I don't get it I'll be even more annoyed because I thought I did well, and I don't want my idea of a high standard interview to be the interviewers image of a bad or average one! Does that make sense? Grrr. Anyway, the people interviewing me were really nice and easy-going which made it so much easier for me, and I didn't have any awkward pauses within my answers...
On the upside I went to Savernake with Skip, Mum, Mina, Blake, Ash and Nathan today/this evening - we had chip shop chips, did a short walk but went back when it got dark, and did a real quick visit to Avebury at night. I might be putting up some pictures on this post when I find good ones to share, but in the meantime I'm exhausted and going to bed. See ya :)
On the upside I went to Savernake with Skip, Mum, Mina, Blake, Ash and Nathan today/this evening - we had chip shop chips, did a short walk but went back when it got dark, and did a real quick visit to Avebury at night. I might be putting up some pictures on this post when I find good ones to share, but in the meantime I'm exhausted and going to bed. See ya :)
Eeekk! Interview in just under three hours from now! Trying to work myself up into really wanting to go :/ :P
Anyway, I'm reading a book by someone called Jeff Carlson, called Interrupt, which is really good so far. I've only read about 60 pages out of 400 so I can't give you much detail at all, but I know it's about natural disasters happening over the world whilst America are on the verge of war with China, and it's in the view of three separate characters. I'll write a better review when I've finished reading it, but so far it's 4/5 stars :)
Anyway, I'm reading a book by someone called Jeff Carlson, called Interrupt, which is really good so far. I've only read about 60 pages out of 400 so I can't give you much detail at all, but I know it's about natural disasters happening over the world whilst America are on the verge of war with China, and it's in the view of three separate characters. I'll write a better review when I've finished reading it, but so far it's 4/5 stars :)
Monday, 5 August 2013
Back to Blogging
Haha!! I've now got pretty much everyone back to blogging! My friend Laura has opened up a new blog which is definitely going to be worth reading, so this is her link:
Good luck Laura, read it everyone else, and enjoy! :D
Good luck Laura, read it everyone else, and enjoy! :D
Photo of the Day
These photos were taken today whilst dog walking - this one is of a cute beetle I found, love his big feet!
I wanted to add another one so here:
I've stuck with the feet theme again, but a bit more of a creepy photo this time (or that's what I was going for anyway!) It's a bit blurred around the shoes but still, I like it...
Interview and artsy stuff
So I still love The Host film, and was bored like five minutes ago so did a basic plan of what I want to do for an art project based on the film/book just now, here is what I want to do using paints in a bigger scale (I used a ballpoint pen and nail varnish for this plan piece :P) so maybe expect a cool piece of the Host art from me in the future:
Well, that's about it. Nothing at all other than the interview call has happened to me these past couple of days...I've even started drawing faces on oranges, as Nathan will know :P
Oh yeah, and the line on the art piece here 'Welcome to the new age', is from the song Radioactive by Imagine Dragons, as the song was in the film a lot and it fits (it'll probably make sense if you've seen it). And the background is of space and other planets as Wanda, the main character, had traveled and lived on quite a few other planets.
Saturday, 3 August 2013
This week I've been looking up new music, which I don't usually do, and I've bought the Imagine Dragons album, and want to show you a few of my favourite songs from them, and a song by Bastille who I now love which I listened to ages ago but never knew what it was called:
^This one is called Demons by Imagine Dragons, and the one below is Radioactive by them (which I've mentioned in other recent blog posts). The video after that is called Pompeii by Bastille.
Thursday, 1 August 2013
Alphabet Introdcution to Me
Ima be copying this guy's idea: :P
So I'm going to steal my friend's blog post idea, and do this 'alphabet introduction to me' idea, where I go through the alphabet and give a piece of information about me relating to the letter. Here goes:
A - Ahhh I'm stuck on the first one! Give me a minute...Oh right, I have two, 1.) I love animals 2.) I'm an artsy person; I prefer photography and painting above anything else, and my favourite type of art I love is Pre-Raphelite art, particularly work by Dante Gabriel Rossetti and William Morris.
B - One of my favourite plants is the Bleeding Heart, and I have one (it's the first plant that hasn't died on me yet...and I've probably jinxed it now huh)
C - Clive Barker wrote one of my absolute favourite books of all time, 'Thief of Always', and you should all read it!
I love coffee.
My family and I want to move to Canada some day, and my sister Mina and I would love to go on a roadtrip round there too.
D - I think David Attenborough is just one of the coolest guys on Earth (I know that doesn't make me sound cool at all but he is :P)
E - I love my English Toy Terrier Skip! :D
My element is Earth (only the best element, go Toph from Avatar!! :P)
F - I am going on a Forensics college course in September :D
G - I would love to learn guitar (acoustic, not the squeals that come from an electric guitar)
H - I have four for H: I love The Host book and film.
I love the Hunger Games, both the books and the film/s.
My favourite word is Hubris, meaning when a man possesses god-like arrogance.
I use to have a fear of heights, but thanks to the employability course I've been on, when I went to head for heights and tried the 'free fall challenge' (three times!) I sort of got over that :P
I - I'm listening to the whole album of Imagine Dragons as I read this, I've only just discovered them and love all their songs so far, this is the link on YouTube to what I'm listening to;
J - One of my other favourite books is Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte.
K -I can't think of much for K except that my teacher for my Forensics course is called Kenny, which I thought was kind of strange.
L - My favourite Pokemon is Larvitar.
M - I think the weirdest thing I've ever been called is 'Mary Poppins', when I was feeding pigeons as they hovered and flew by my hand (it was AWESOME), and a woman was walking past and said I was like Mary Poppins!
N - I love nature and taking pictures of it.
O - I am currently undergoing Orthodontic treatment, but my dentist there has told me they can come out whenever now, and hopefully I'll have them gone, and retainers in, before I get to college!
P - At the moment my favourite colour is purple (I have purple converse) :P
Q - I'm supposed to be going quad biking soon - should be fun :)
R - I love rats, I use to have two a few years ago; one called Leah and the other called Alice, and they were dumbo rats.
S - I love learning about the solar system, it was always my favourite subject at school in science.
T - My favourite singer is Taylor Swift.
U - Ummm...I like to draw unicorns?
V - I think I'm a bit of a Trekkie, because the only word I can think of for V is Vulcan...I love the film (can't wait for the blu-ray coming out with Benedict Cumberbatch!) and Star Trek: Next Generation.
W - W is for Winchester because I love Supernatural!
X - I love X-men first class, Michael Fassbender who plays Magneto in it is awesome, along with Jennifer Lawrence and James McAvoy and pretty much everyone else. My favourite person/power in the film was Darwin/his power, and it took me ages to realize it's Laurent from Twilight who plays him!
Y - I hate Yoda (sorry, couldn't think of anything else).
Z - Z is for zip because I just bought an awesome bracelet which is actually a blue zip, which I got from the emporium in Devizes!
Hope you don't mind me stealing this idea Nathan, but you haven't answered back yet and I'm impatient to put this up since it took me so long :P
So I'm going to steal my friend's blog post idea, and do this 'alphabet introduction to me' idea, where I go through the alphabet and give a piece of information about me relating to the letter. Here goes:
A - Ahhh I'm stuck on the first one! Give me a minute...Oh right, I have two, 1.) I love animals 2.) I'm an artsy person; I prefer photography and painting above anything else, and my favourite type of art I love is Pre-Raphelite art, particularly work by Dante Gabriel Rossetti and William Morris.
B - One of my favourite plants is the Bleeding Heart, and I have one (it's the first plant that hasn't died on me yet...and I've probably jinxed it now huh)
C - Clive Barker wrote one of my absolute favourite books of all time, 'Thief of Always', and you should all read it!
I love coffee.
My family and I want to move to Canada some day, and my sister Mina and I would love to go on a roadtrip round there too.
D - I think David Attenborough is just one of the coolest guys on Earth (I know that doesn't make me sound cool at all but he is :P)
E - I love my English Toy Terrier Skip! :D
My element is Earth (only the best element, go Toph from Avatar!! :P)
F - I am going on a Forensics college course in September :D
G - I would love to learn guitar (acoustic, not the squeals that come from an electric guitar)
H - I have four for H: I love The Host book and film.
I love the Hunger Games, both the books and the film/s.
My favourite word is Hubris, meaning when a man possesses god-like arrogance.
I use to have a fear of heights, but thanks to the employability course I've been on, when I went to head for heights and tried the 'free fall challenge' (three times!) I sort of got over that :P
I - I'm listening to the whole album of Imagine Dragons as I read this, I've only just discovered them and love all their songs so far, this is the link on YouTube to what I'm listening to;
J - One of my other favourite books is Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte.
K -I can't think of much for K except that my teacher for my Forensics course is called Kenny, which I thought was kind of strange.
L - My favourite Pokemon is Larvitar.
M - I think the weirdest thing I've ever been called is 'Mary Poppins', when I was feeding pigeons as they hovered and flew by my hand (it was AWESOME), and a woman was walking past and said I was like Mary Poppins!
N - I love nature and taking pictures of it.
O - I am currently undergoing Orthodontic treatment, but my dentist there has told me they can come out whenever now, and hopefully I'll have them gone, and retainers in, before I get to college!
P - At the moment my favourite colour is purple (I have purple converse) :P
Q - I'm supposed to be going quad biking soon - should be fun :)
R - I love rats, I use to have two a few years ago; one called Leah and the other called Alice, and they were dumbo rats.
S - I love learning about the solar system, it was always my favourite subject at school in science.
T - My favourite singer is Taylor Swift.
U - Ummm...I like to draw unicorns?
V - I think I'm a bit of a Trekkie, because the only word I can think of for V is Vulcan...I love the film (can't wait for the blu-ray coming out with Benedict Cumberbatch!) and Star Trek: Next Generation.
W - W is for Winchester because I love Supernatural!
X - I love X-men first class, Michael Fassbender who plays Magneto in it is awesome, along with Jennifer Lawrence and James McAvoy and pretty much everyone else. My favourite person/power in the film was Darwin/his power, and it took me ages to realize it's Laurent from Twilight who plays him!
Y - I hate Yoda (sorry, couldn't think of anything else).
Z - Z is for zip because I just bought an awesome bracelet which is actually a blue zip, which I got from the emporium in Devizes!
Hope you don't mind me stealing this idea Nathan, but you haven't answered back yet and I'm impatient to put this up since it took me so long :P
Photo of the Day
So I went to Lacock Abbey today with my Grandma and my sister Mina, and took quite a few pictures, but since I've still got to edit and go through them, I'm only going to show you my favourite so far, which isn't really of the architecture, but of my feet. I took this picture somewhere inside (it was a big place, ok :P) as the ground was really worn away and the texture was cool.
The Host
Hey there, it's been quite a few days since my last post, mostly 'cause I've been busy but also I can't be bothered to keep up with these 'Photo a Day' posts everyday, and I'm not going to treat it like a chore that needs to be done, since that's how I began to neglect my last blog - I'll put up posts when I feel like it, I'm not going to be rushing posts just to put something up, I'll be putting up posts I feel are good enough quality to my liking whenever really.
Back to the title of this post, The Host. LOVED IT! Words cannot describe how perfect they made this film in relation to the book. I don't think I've been this excited to watch a film since watching the first Hunger Games. It really was as if they had brought my imagination to life, and so far there hasn't been a single flaw within the film I've noticed. The cast were great (Jake Abel, who played Ian, was amazing - hence why he is a main character in the Supernatural series as Sam and Dean's brother :P - and Saoirse Ronan's acting was incredible as always), the scenery and setting was exactly how I imagined it and how it should be, and the futuristic style was pretty cool. Must watch, but also a must read.
That's it for my review. Sorry, but anything else I say about it would give away a good deal of the storyline. 5 star rating from me. Love the song 'Radioactive' by Imagine Dragons too, bought it the day after watching The Host.

That's it for my review. Sorry, but anything else I say about it would give away a good deal of the storyline. 5 star rating from me. Love the song 'Radioactive' by Imagine Dragons too, bought it the day after watching The Host.
Tuesday, 30 July 2013
Nathan's Blog
My friend Nathan has finally started his new blog, and this is the link for you readers to enjoy :P
So we got 'The Host' on Blu-ray yesterday, but it was late when we got it last night so we haven't watched it yet, as my mum and I could only find the DVD in town, but from the book we had both read we knew we'd only have blu-ray for the awesome scenery, so we traveled from Trowbridge at around nine and over to Chippenham when we couldn't find a blu-ray there, and we finally got the blu-ray at Asda in Chippenham :D
Will be watching the film tonight so expect a review soon-ish.
So we got 'The Host' on Blu-ray yesterday, but it was late when we got it last night so we haven't watched it yet, as my mum and I could only find the DVD in town, but from the book we had both read we knew we'd only have blu-ray for the awesome scenery, so we traveled from Trowbridge at around nine and over to Chippenham when we couldn't find a blu-ray there, and we finally got the blu-ray at Asda in Chippenham :D
Will be watching the film tonight so expect a review soon-ish.
Monday, 29 July 2013
Photo of the Day
Sunday, 28 July 2013
Photo(s) of the Day
The weather here has been very...temperamental, busy and all over the place recently, and since I've been helping my mum with her dog walking buisness at Pack on Track, I've been stuck in it - the upside being there have been some great photographing opportunities. It's pretty late today and since I haven't done my photo of the day thing yet, I figured I would just show you a few of my best pictures taken from today, enjoy!
Top Twenty Songs
So "The Host" film is coming out in shops tomorrow, and I'll definitely be buying it asap since the book by Stephanie Meyer was so good, and it has a great cast, including the person who played as Adam, Sam and Dean's brother in Supernatural, so expect a film (and possibly a book) review soon.
I'm also dying my hair, probably in the next few days, again not permanent hair dye (I've only ever used temporary), just a 28 washes one, and again it's a red colour, and I'll be showing before and after pictures on here once it's been done.
In the meantime though, a list of twenty of my favourite songs at the moment (not in any order):
1.) Six Degrees of Separation - The Script
2.) Love Somebody - Maroon 5
3.) Love Me Again - John Newman
4.) People Like Us - Kelly Clarkson
5.) La La La - Naughty Boy
6.) Forever and Always - Taylor Swift
7.) Carry On My Wayward Son - Kansas
8.) Let Her Go - Passenger
9.) Rules - Jayme Dee
10.) Livingston - Go
11.) Karmin - Brokenhearted
12.) White Demon Love Song - The Killers
13.) Good Ol' Days - The Script
14.) Lose Yourself cover - The Script
15.) Come and Get it - Selena Gomez
16.) If I Die Young - Band Perry
17.) Kiss You Inside Out - Hedley
18.) One Life - Hedley
19.) Invincible - Hedley
20.) Eyes Open - Taylor Swift
My favourite singer of all time would be Taylor Swift, and my best two bands are Hedley and The Script. Thanks for Reading, see ya! :)
I'm also dying my hair, probably in the next few days, again not permanent hair dye (I've only ever used temporary), just a 28 washes one, and again it's a red colour, and I'll be showing before and after pictures on here once it's been done.
In the meantime though, a list of twenty of my favourite songs at the moment (not in any order):
1.) Six Degrees of Separation - The Script
2.) Love Somebody - Maroon 5
3.) Love Me Again - John Newman
4.) People Like Us - Kelly Clarkson
5.) La La La - Naughty Boy
6.) Forever and Always - Taylor Swift
7.) Carry On My Wayward Son - Kansas
8.) Let Her Go - Passenger
9.) Rules - Jayme Dee
10.) Livingston - Go
11.) Karmin - Brokenhearted
12.) White Demon Love Song - The Killers
13.) Good Ol' Days - The Script
14.) Lose Yourself cover - The Script
15.) Come and Get it - Selena Gomez
16.) If I Die Young - Band Perry
17.) Kiss You Inside Out - Hedley
18.) One Life - Hedley
19.) Invincible - Hedley
20.) Eyes Open - Taylor Swift
My favourite singer of all time would be Taylor Swift, and my best two bands are Hedley and The Script. Thanks for Reading, see ya! :)
Saturday, 27 July 2013
John Newman - Love Me Again
I realise this has probably been around for quite awhile (according
to my sister Mina, the music freak of the family), though I've only just
discovered it. But I love it, and you may have heard of it, but if not
(or if you know you already like it), take a look at this YouTube video
and enjoy :)
Photo of the Day
So I took this photo about two months ago and you'll be able to find it on my Flickr photostream. I decided to put this picture up today because I already miss seeing the bluebells dotted around Wiltshire, and because this was taken at one of my favourite places I frequently go to, at Savernake Forest in Marlborough. My family, some friends and I have been going on days out to Savernake Forest since I can remember as a toddler, and I love it there, now mostly because it provides good opportunities for good photos underneath the green leaves in the summer, when the bluebells spread out in the spring, when the leaves are red and cover the forest floor in the autumn and when the winter leaves contrast between the black bare trees and the white snow. If you happen to live in or around Wiltshire I would thoroughly recommend taking friends or family out there on a picnic or dog walk for a great day out. They even have designated barbeque areas set up if you can't have a day out without hot food like burgers and hot dogs (like my meat addicted sister Alana :P)
Awesome Blogger
Since I've done barely anything today other than take rubbish pictures of the rainy weather, I thought I'd at least leave you with something worth reading - I discovered this blogger late last night and have been reading some more of it today, and it's definitely worth looking at. It'll make my blog look really bad quality in comparison, but I just wanted to share such an epic blog, and hopefully us bloggers can find some more blogging ideas from him. The link is here;
Friday, 26 July 2013
Photo a day idea
Ok, so since I love photography so much I thought I'd start off this blog by introducing this 'Photo a Day' idea of mine, where I would show a photo of mine and a paragraph or two describing why I took it, where I took and anything interesting about it really. Here goes the first photo:
This is Mrs Cockerel, who was an ex-battery chicken we rescued. We named her Mrs Cockerel because of how she acted so much like a cockerel compared to a hen, watching over the other hens as they ate instead of eating herself, and calling them over to share when she found a bug or something. As you can see she was a very pretty chicken. She died recently, but in all fairness she lived well over what the people said an ex-battery chicken usually lives to, and she lived a very good life when she was with us (I think she's tried every type of pudding from rice pudding to pancakes!) She use to love coming into the house and stuffing her face with coffee cake!
This is Mrs Cockerel, who was an ex-battery chicken we rescued. We named her Mrs Cockerel because of how she acted so much like a cockerel compared to a hen, watching over the other hens as they ate instead of eating herself, and calling them over to share when she found a bug or something. As you can see she was a very pretty chicken. She died recently, but in all fairness she lived well over what the people said an ex-battery chicken usually lives to, and she lived a very good life when she was with us (I think she's tried every type of pudding from rice pudding to pancakes!) She use to love coming into the house and stuffing her face with coffee cake!
Ok. So, as you may have guessed, my name is Jessie. I live in Wiltshire, England, and I'm 17.
I guess I started this blog in hope of improving my writing skills, and this blogging use to be a big hobby of mine, but since I haven't been on my original blog in such a long time I figured it was time to start fresh.
I like to write lists every now and again in my blog posts as they help me figure out how to structure my blog post and include a variety of topics I personally find interesting. So here goes - a list of things about me;
I love pretty much all animals. I mean, some I find more boring or aggressive than others, such as how I really don't like my sister's ferrets as they barely do anything other than bite people's feet, faces and spray on people, but I would never harm one. My favourite animals are rats (I use to have two adorable girls called Leah and Alice), pigeons, frogs, dogs and deer. My favourite fish is the pufferfish after seeing one yawn and follow my finger at an aquarium.
I have my own dog, Skip, who is an English Toy Terrier. He follows me everywhere and is the best dog I could ever ask for. He's ten years old.
I also have a Border Collie called Kane but he's more the whole family's dog than mine. I have a bunch of other animals but I won't bother to include all of them, except to mention my cat Leonard who I took in when I found him as a stray and covered in blood from an abscess in his mouth. My family also have two other cats, a very beautiful cat named Jazz and her son, the evil cat Cassie. Anyways, back to Leonard; I've taught him to go on walks with me and Skip off lead now, and he loves going to visit this pond nearby.

Here's a picture of Leonard to the left, and a picture of Jazz on the right.
So I'm starting to realise this post is going to be quite long, so I hope you enjoy reading!
I love photography, I've been taking pictures on a regular basis for a long time now (I've had my Flickr account since 2011 at least), and I think I'm getting reasonably good at it. Last week I went on my first professional photography course, a one-off lesson which turned out to be really good and has helped me in terms of finding out what I really want in a picture. It was run by a photographer in Stroud, her website is here; and is definitely worth checking out.
If you're interested in looking up my photostream on Flickr, the link is on the side of this blog page and here;
This Employability Course I've been on in my spare time
So I did a year at Sixth Form and left with AS Levels in Art and Religious Studies. Since leaving I've been very happy with my decision to leave, I had real bad confidence issues from that school, but I'm getting much better now so all's good. I've been accepted into a Forensics course I've been interested in since birth basically, and that starts in September. Since leaving Sixth Form in April, I've been on an Employability course which finishes this week, which was really good. It was run by Project Inspire/Community First in Devizes and it's probably the main reason my confidence has been building recently. It involves things such as improving interview skills, being good team workers and good customer service, but it also has fun days out so we can further build on team working and confidence. For example, so far I've done raftbuilding, head for heights high ropes (which has helped me get over my fear of heights), canoeing, archery (which I love and am quite good at), various other things, and this week we're doing our last session, the 'reward trip', which will involve quad biking. I've also taken part in volunteering to raise over £2000 for Wiltshire Young Carers by waitressing for a 'Call My Bluff Wine Tasting Evening', and I've helped at a food bank someplace I can't remember. There's only been six or seven of us in total including the three people running the sessions, and they're all super-friendly, so it's easier for me to get to know people.
I've got to go teach my brother Blake to make eggs on toast now, and then go dog walking for my mum's dog walking and pet care business, Pack on Track. See Ya :)
I guess I started this blog in hope of improving my writing skills, and this blogging use to be a big hobby of mine, but since I haven't been on my original blog in such a long time I figured it was time to start fresh.
I like to write lists every now and again in my blog posts as they help me figure out how to structure my blog post and include a variety of topics I personally find interesting. So here goes - a list of things about me;
I love pretty much all animals. I mean, some I find more boring or aggressive than others, such as how I really don't like my sister's ferrets as they barely do anything other than bite people's feet, faces and spray on people, but I would never harm one. My favourite animals are rats (I use to have two adorable girls called Leah and Alice), pigeons, frogs, dogs and deer. My favourite fish is the pufferfish after seeing one yawn and follow my finger at an aquarium.
I have my own dog, Skip, who is an English Toy Terrier. He follows me everywhere and is the best dog I could ever ask for. He's ten years old.
Here's a picture of Leonard to the left, and a picture of Jazz on the right.
So I'm starting to realise this post is going to be quite long, so I hope you enjoy reading!
I love photography, I've been taking pictures on a regular basis for a long time now (I've had my Flickr account since 2011 at least), and I think I'm getting reasonably good at it. Last week I went on my first professional photography course, a one-off lesson which turned out to be really good and has helped me in terms of finding out what I really want in a picture. It was run by a photographer in Stroud, her website is here; and is definitely worth checking out.
If you're interested in looking up my photostream on Flickr, the link is on the side of this blog page and here;
This Employability Course I've been on in my spare time
So I did a year at Sixth Form and left with AS Levels in Art and Religious Studies. Since leaving I've been very happy with my decision to leave, I had real bad confidence issues from that school, but I'm getting much better now so all's good. I've been accepted into a Forensics course I've been interested in since birth basically, and that starts in September. Since leaving Sixth Form in April, I've been on an Employability course which finishes this week, which was really good. It was run by Project Inspire/Community First in Devizes and it's probably the main reason my confidence has been building recently. It involves things such as improving interview skills, being good team workers and good customer service, but it also has fun days out so we can further build on team working and confidence. For example, so far I've done raftbuilding, head for heights high ropes (which has helped me get over my fear of heights), canoeing, archery (which I love and am quite good at), various other things, and this week we're doing our last session, the 'reward trip', which will involve quad biking. I've also taken part in volunteering to raise over £2000 for Wiltshire Young Carers by waitressing for a 'Call My Bluff Wine Tasting Evening', and I've helped at a food bank someplace I can't remember. There's only been six or seven of us in total including the three people running the sessions, and they're all super-friendly, so it's easier for me to get to know people.
I've got to go teach my brother Blake to make eggs on toast now, and then go dog walking for my mum's dog walking and pet care business, Pack on Track. See Ya :)
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